nuclear safety solution
The actual rock, site characteristics are first studied from the surface, then in situ in an underground research laboratory.
Virtual image of a drift in the Underground Research Laboratory, in 1999, the French government approved the decision to create a laboratory on a clay site in Bure Meuse/Haute-Marne.
Andra is in charge of this programme, line 3.
Studies on conditioning and long-term near-surface storage, research in this field includes the development of devices to store waste over several decades under acceptable safety conditions.
This work is conducted by the CEA, with assistance from Andra and the CNRS, and is based on information provided by EDF and COGEMA, the chief producers of high-level and long-lived intermediate-level radioactive waste, drum containing vitrified waste.
As part of its research into the feasibility of a deep geological waste repository, Andra is conducting a programme to acquire date on the clay medium, the research programme seeks to consolidate knowledge already acquired about the subsurface and the phenomena affecting it, and check that existing computer-based models are relevant.
The french National Radiactive Waste Management Agency is responsible for the long-term management of all radioactive watse in France and for the conduct of investigations on its disposal in deep geological formation.
The programme calls on every branch of the earth sciences, engineers create various scenarios to study repository safety, in particular, these scenarios are based on ''''conservative'''' hypotheses to understand, for example, how radioelements would behave in the event of a repository vault sealing failure.
General architecture of the Meuse/Haute-Marne Underground Research Laboratory Scientific activities Doctorands’ Day at the ENSCP Andra mobilises scientific skills in a wide range of fields, in particular earth, materials, and environmental sciences, calculation and modelling, measurement and surveillance, within this context, it creates, forms and drives the necessary scientific networks with players in the world of research R&D organisations, universities and institutions, through partnerships, service providing, theses and post-doctorate work.
nuclear safety solution
The agency also has a policy of training through research, which is aimed at heightening student awareness to the problems of interfacing between the various fields concerned by its scientific programme, this new section covers scientific events congresses, symposia, seminars, areas covered by Andra’s doctorate thesis students, thesis topics and research work under way at Andra.
Its ambition is to provide the scientific community with more and better information about the agency’s research objectives and results, andra is recruiting doctoral Ph.
radioactive pollution
Andra, National Radioactive Waste Management Agency