BioMoSA : Biosphere Models
for Safety Assessment of radioactive waste disposal based on the application
of the Reference Biosphere Methodology. Contact : Prof.
Gerhard Pröhl
BIOPROTA : Keys Issues
in Biosphere Aspects of Assessment of the long-term Impact of Contaminant
Releases Associated with Radioactive Waste Management:
Contact : Elisabeth Leclerc Cessac
PAGES (Past Global Changes)
: International Geosphere-Biosphere Program (IGBP) core project charged with
providing a quantitative understanding of the Earth's past climate and environment
Paleoclimate Modelling Intercomparison
Project : Evaluation of climate models under paleoclimate conditions to
improve understanding of past climate changes
All the Yucca Mountain
information from DOE, NRC and the State of Nevada is being placed
on the Licensing Support Network